Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Works in Progress

It's really easy to let yourself relax after you've finished a larger project in a very short time period. Though the Star Wars cross stitch wasn't a complicated pattern, or a huge one by any means, it was still a little ambitious to try to finish it in the three evenings I had leading up to the party. In fact, I spent a good bit of time the day of finishing it up, and found myself pretty exhausted with the whole activity by the end of it.

Needless to say I've been a litte slow to pick up some of my other projects since, taking time to head out of town and relax a little with my family last week was just what I needed to rejuvinate myself and feel like stitching again. Plus another CCC night (Thats Crafts, Cupcakes and Cosmos) helped get some of my creative juices flowing.

 Just a couple random little projects I've been doing on and off for the last month or so. The first two are preivously unblogged but the one on the right should look at least a little familiar. I told you I liked having multiple projects at once!

I spent yesterday at work finishing a pattern for another project as well, and I'm still working on charting our zombie friend, as requested by several Craftster members who want to give him a go. Guess I have been hard at work after all!


Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Cuteness

Oh my goodness what a week! Last week was busy busy busy right up until the moment my valentine and I sprinted away to the beach for Charleston's Blues Bash and some much needed relaxation. Much fun was had, even more food was eaten and Sunday night when we got home, in addition to some other handmade goodies, I presented him with this:

Video game themed cross stitches are about as nerdy as they come, and this tetris one is no exception. I honestly can't remember where this idea came from, I think it may have been another pattern from Geek Crafts but I've seen it quite literally all over the internet! I googled and came up with several image results and just left it up on my screen while I went to work.

I'm also a big fan of it's adorable little frame from Target. It was around $5 when I bought it, but it'll likely be even cheaper tomorrow!

Tonight though its back to working my own patterns and finally getting started on a 30 Rock themed sampler that I've already charted and can't wait to finish. Fingers crossed for minimal distractions!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Big Reveal!

As promised in my previous post, I am now prepared to reveal last week's finished project!

Ta-Da! For those not in the know, this is one of Han Solo's quotes from Star Wars, and one of my favorites as well as the birthday girls!

I can't take credit for the pattern, it was designed and charted by one the writers for Geek Crafts, and provided for free right here as a jpeg or pdf. Pretty awesome, right?!

The birthday girl loved it, especially the teeny light sabers and blasters around the text.

I'm quite pleased with how the framing turned out as well. I think the colors work well together and I like that the frame is fancy enough to actually hang out up somewhere. One last look:

up next: Valentine's Day cuteness!

Friday, February 4, 2011


 If you're anything like me you often have multiple projects going on at once. Keeps things more interesting and fun! Well a friend's birthday is this weekend, tomorrow in fact, and all week I've been ignoring my other stitching projects and working on a little handmade gifty. I only have a few more final touches until its ready to go, including a frame.

That said, I can't show you yet! On the off chance the birthday girl comes surfing by between now and tomorrow night I don't want to spoil the surprise. I did take one blurry and non-descript photo on my phone though to share:

I will also tell you that I did not make the pattern myself, but it's one that I'm pretty excited about. I hope she likes it! Look for the finished project (and a link to where you can get the pattern) on Monday!

PS- if anyone can tell what this might be based on that picture alone you might just become my new best friend. Theres a teeny chance the birthday girl could figure it out, but that would only confirm to me that this should definitely be her gift!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Early Spring!

In case you haven't heard, dear groundhog did NOT see his shadow, meaning an early spring for all! I couldn't be more happy about this, though it's probably bad news for my crafting. The warmer it gets the less I want to cozy up to a fire with my needle and thread, and the more I want to throw barbeque's, have picnics and wear cute summery dresses. (Hmm, perhaps those dresses could use a little embroidery to spice them up!)

But Groundhogs Day isn't just a silly holiday where local town officials trap and terrify a groundhog into making weather predictions he isn't really qualified for. It's also...

An excellent Bill Murray movie!

Wouldn't it be fun to stitch up one of the movie's quotes with a fun little scene? I'm thinking this one might lend itself best to a little needlepoint:

"I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl. We ate lobster, drank piña coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over, and over..."

I'm seeing a couple sea otters lounged out in beach chairs with some frosty drinks in their flippers, watching the sun set! hah! And now if you'll excuse me, I might have to go and get started on that right now.